Facts about common name beard online

Facts about common name beard online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Usnea evansii Mot.

Plant: Usnea evansii Mot. / Evans' beard lichen / USEV / Information:Scientific name: Usnea evansii Mot.Common name: Evans' beard lichenPlant family: ParmeliaceaeSymbol name: USEVSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Usnea erinacea Vain.

Plant: Usnea erinacea Vain. / beard lichen / USER2 / Information:Scientific name: Usnea erinacea Vain.Common name: beard lichenPlant family: ParmeliaceaeSymbol name: USER2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Usnea endochrysea Stirt.

Plant: Usnea endochrysea Stirt. / beard lichen / USEN / Information:Scientific name: Usnea endochrysea Stirt.Common name: beard lichenPlant family: ParmeliaceaeSymbol name: USENSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Usnea graciosa Mot.

Plant: Usnea graciosa Mot. / beard lichen / USGR / Information:Scientific name: Usnea graciosa Mot.Common name: beard lichenPlant family: ParmeliaceaeSymbol name: USGRSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vain.

Plant: Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vain. / beard lichen / USGL60 / Information:Scientific name: Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vain.Common name: beard lichenPlant family: ParmeliaceaeSymbol name: USGL60Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Usnea furfurosula (Zahlbr.) Mot.

Plant: Usnea furfurosula (Zahlbr.) Mot. / beard lichen / USFU2 / Information:Scientific name: Usnea furfurosula (Zahlbr.) Mot.Common name: beard lichenPlant family: ParmeliaceaeSymbol name: USFU2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Usnea hesperina Mot.

Plant: Usnea hesperina Mot. / beard lichen / USHE / Information:Scientific name: Usnea hesperina Mot.Common name: beard lichenPlant family: ParmeliaceaeSymbol name: USHESynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Usnea mirabilis Mot.

Plant: Usnea mirabilis Mot. / beard lichen / USMI2 / Information:Scientific name: Usnea mirabilis Mot.Common name: beard lichenPlant family: ParmeliaceaeSymbol name: USMI2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more