Facts about common name bigleaf online

Facts about common name bigleaf online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Styrax grandifolius Aiton

Plant: Styrax grandifolius Aiton / bigleaf snowbell / STGR4 / is a plant in the family Styracaceae with a scientific name of Styrax grandifolius Aiton.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Styrax grandifolius ... Read more

Verbesina dissita A. Gray

Plant: Verbesina dissita A. Gray / bigleaf crownbeard / VEDI / Information:Scientific name: Verbesina dissita A. GrayCommon name: bigleaf crownbeardPlant family: AsteraceaeSymbol name: VEDISynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Vinca major L.

Plant: Vinca major L. / bigleaf periwinkle / VIMA / Information:Scientific name: Vinca major L.Common name: bigleaf periwinklePlant family: ApocynaceaeSymbol name: VIMASynonym symbol name: ... Read more