Facts about common name hairy online

Facts about common name hairy online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Sidalcea hirsuta A. Gray ex Benth.

Plant: Sidalcea hirsuta A. Gray ex Benth. / hairy checkerbloom / SIHI2 / is a plant in the family Malvaceae with a scientific name of Sidalcea hirsuta A. Gray ex Benth..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sidalcea ... Read more

Sideritis lanata L.

Plant: Sideritis lanata L. / hairy ironwort / SILA8 / is a plant in the family Lamiaceae with a scientific name of Sideritis lanata L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sideritis lanata L.Common name: hairy ... Read more

Solanum villosum (L.) Mill.

Plant: Solanum villosum (L.) Mill. / hairy nightshade / SOVI8 / is a plant in the family Solanaceae with a scientific name of Solanum villosum (L.) Mill..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Solanum villosum (L.) ... Read more

Solidago hispida Muhl. ex Willd.

Plant: Solidago hispida Muhl. ex Willd. / hairy goldenrod / SOHI / is a plant in the family Asteraceae with a scientific name of Solidago hispida Muhl. ex Willd..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Solidago ... Read more