Facts about common name largeflower online

Facts about common name largeflower online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Townsendia grandiflora Nutt.

Plant: Townsendia grandiflora Nutt. / largeflower Townsend daisy / TOGR / is a plant in the family Asteraceae with a scientific name of Townsendia grandiflora Nutt..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Townsendia ... Read more

Trifolium grandiflorum Schreb.

Plant: Trifolium grandiflorum Schreb. / large-flower hop clover / TRGR18 / is a plant in the family Fabaceae with a scientific name of Trifolium grandiflorum Schreb..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Trifolium ... Read more

Triteleia grandiflora Lindl.

Plant: Triteleia grandiflora Lindl. / largeflower triteleia / TRGR7 / is a plant in the family Liliaceae with a scientific name of Triteleia grandiflora Lindl..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Triteleia ... Read more

Uvularia grandiflora Sm.

Plant: Uvularia grandiflora Sm. / largeflower bellwort / UVGR / Information:Scientific name: Uvularia grandiflora Sm.Common name: largeflower bellwortPlant family: LiliaceaeSymbol name: UVGRSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Valeriana pauciflora Michx.

Plant: Valeriana pauciflora Michx. / largeflower valerian / VAPA2 / Information:Scientific name: Valeriana pauciflora Michx.Common name: largeflower valerianPlant family: ValerianaceaeSymbol name: VAPA2Synonym symbol ... Read more

Veronica grandiflora Gaertn.

Plant: Veronica grandiflora Gaertn. / largeflower speedwell / VEGR / Information:Scientific name: Veronica grandiflora Gaertn.Common name: largeflower speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEGRSynonym ... Read more