Facts about common name northern online

Facts about common name northern online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Viola nephrophylla Greene

Plant: Viola nephrophylla Greene / northern bog violet / VINE / Information:Scientific name: Viola nephrophylla GreeneCommon name: northern bog violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VINESynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Viola septentrionalis Greene

Plant: Viola septentrionalis Greene / northern woodland violet / VISE5 / Information:Scientific name: Viola septentrionalis GreeneCommon name: northern woodland violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VISE5Synonym ... Read more

Xyris montana Ries

Plant: Xyris montana Ries / northern yelloweyed grass / XYMO / Information:Scientific name: Xyris montana RiesCommon name: northern yelloweyed grassPlant family: XyridaceaeSymbol name: XYMOSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Zizania palustris L.

Plant: Zizania palustris L. / northern wildrice / ZIPA3 / Information:Scientific name: Zizania palustris L.Common name: northern wildricePlant family: PoaceaeSymbol name: ZIPA3Synonym symbol name: ... Read more