Facts about common name pineland online

Facts about common name pineland online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Spermacoce tetraquetra A. Rich.

Plant: Spermacoce tetraquetra A. Rich. / pineland false buttonweed / SPTE6 / is a plant in the family Rubiaceae with a scientific name of Spermacoce tetraquetra A. Rich..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: ... Read more

Stipulicida setacea Michx.

Plant: Stipulicida setacea Michx. / pineland scalypink / STSE3 / is a plant in the family Caryophyllaceae with a scientific name of Stipulicida setacea Michx..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Stipulicida ... Read more

Tephrosia mohrii (Rydb.) Godfrey

Plant: Tephrosia mohrii (Rydb.) Godfrey / pineland hoarypea / TEMO3 / is a plant in the family Fabaceae with a scientific name of Tephrosia mohrii (Rydb.) Godfrey.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tephrosia ... Read more

Tetragonotheca helianthoides L.

Plant: Tetragonotheca helianthoides L. / pineland nerveray / TEHE2 / is a plant in the family Asteraceae with a scientific name of Tetragonotheca helianthoides L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tetragonotheca ... Read more

Valeriana sorbifolia Kunth

Plant: Valeriana sorbifolia Kunth / pineland valerian / VASO / Information:Scientific name: Valeriana sorbifolia KunthCommon name: pineland valerianPlant family: ValerianaceaeSymbol name: VASOSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Xyris stricta Chapm.

Plant: Xyris stricta Chapm. / pineland yelloweyed grass / XYST / Information:Scientific name: Xyris stricta Chapm.Common name: pineland yelloweyed grassPlant family: XyridaceaeSymbol name: XYSTSynonym symbol name: ... Read more