Facts about common name speedwell online

Facts about common name speedwell online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Veronica L.

Plant: Veronica L. / speedwell / VERON / Information:Scientific name: Veronica L.Common name: speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VERONSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica hederifolia L.

Plant: Veronica hederifolia L. / ivyleaf speedwell / VEHE2 / Information:Scientific name: Veronica hederifolia L.Common name: ivyleaf speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEHE2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica persica Poir.

Plant: Veronica persica Poir. / birdeye speedwell / VEPE3 / Information:Scientific name: Veronica persica Poir.Common name: birdeye speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEPE3Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica spicata L.

Plant: Veronica spicata L. / spiked speedwell / VESP80 / Information:Scientific name: Veronica spicata L.Common name: spiked speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VESP80Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica serpyllifolia L.

Plant: Veronica serpyllifolia L. / thymeleaf speedwell / VESE / Information:Scientific name: Veronica serpyllifolia L.Common name: thymeleaf speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VESESynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica scutellata L.

Plant: Veronica scutellata L. / skullcap speedwell / VESC2 / Information:Scientific name: Veronica scutellata L.Common name: skullcap speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VESC2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica prostrata L.

Plant: Veronica prostrata L. / prostrate speedwell / VEPR7 / Information:Scientific name: Veronica prostrata L.Common name: prostrate speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEPR7Synonym symbol name: ... Read more