Facts about common name spreading online

Facts about common name spreading online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Sida abutifolia Mill.

Plant: Sida abutifolia Mill. / spreading fanpetals / SIAB / is a plant in the family Malvaceae with a scientific name of Sida abutifolia Mill..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sida abutifolia Mill.Common name: ... Read more

Sisyrinchium iridifolium Kunth

Plant: Sisyrinchium iridifolium Kunth / spreading blue-eyed grass / SIIR2 / is a plant in the family Iridaceae with a scientific name of Sisyrinchium iridifolium Kunth.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: ... Read more

Tillandsia utriculata L.

Plant: Tillandsia utriculata L. / spreading airplant / TIUT / is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia utriculata L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia utriculata ... Read more

Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link

Plant: Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link / spreading hedgeparsley / TOAR / is a plant in the family Apiaceae with a scientific name of Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Torilis arvensis ... Read more