Facts about common name vetch online

Facts about common name vetch online. Information and facts about plants common name. Native plants and flowers database and information.

Vicia pulchella Kunth

Plant: Vicia pulchella Kunth / sweetclover vetch / VIPU2 / Information:Scientific name: Vicia pulchella KunthCommon name: sweetclover vetchPlant family: FabaceaeSymbol name: VIPU2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Vicia pisiformis L.

Plant: Vicia pisiformis L. / pale-flower vetch / VIPI5 / Information:Scientific name: Vicia pisiformis L.Common name: pale-flower vetchPlant family: FabaceaeSymbol name: VIPI5Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Vicia peregrina L.

Plant: Vicia peregrina L. / wandering vetch / VIPE80 / Information:Scientific name: Vicia peregrina L.Common name: wandering vetchPlant family: FabaceaeSymbol name: VIPE80Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Vicia sativa L.

Plant: Vicia sativa L. / garden vetch / VISA / Information:Scientific name: Vicia sativa L.Common name: garden vetchPlant family: FabaceaeSymbol name: VISASynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Vicia sativa L. ssp. sativa

Plant: Vicia sativa L. ssp. sativa / garden vetch / VISAS2 / Information:Scientific name: Vicia sativa L. ssp. sativaCommon name: garden vetchPlant family: FabaceaeSymbol name: VISAS2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Vicia sepium L.

Plant: Vicia sepium L. / bush vetch / VISE / Information:Scientific name: Vicia sepium L.Common name: bush vetchPlant family: FabaceaeSymbol name: VISESynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Vicia sepium L. var. sepium

Plant: Vicia sepium L. var. sepium / bush vetch / VISES / Information:Scientific name: Vicia sepium L. var. sepiumCommon name: bush vetchPlant family: FabaceaeSymbol name: VISESSynonym symbol name: ... Read more