Anacardiaceae plant family online

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Spondias mombin L.

Plant: Spondias mombin L. / yellow mombin / SPMO / is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Spondias mombin L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Spondias mombin L.Common name: yellow ... Read more

Spondias lutea L.

Plant: Spondias lutea L. / / SPMO / SPLU6 is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Spondias lutea L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Spondias lutea L.Common name: Plant family: ... Read more

Spondias L.

Plant: Spondias L. / mombin / SPOND / is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Spondias L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Spondias L.Common name: mombinPlant family: ... Read more

Spondias dulcis Parkinson

Plant: Spondias dulcis Parkinson / Jewish plum / SPDU3 / is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Spondias dulcis Parkinson.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Spondias dulcis ... Read more

Spondias cytherea Sonnerat

Plant: Spondias cytherea Sonnerat / / SPDU3 / SPCY2 is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Spondias cytherea Sonnerat.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Spondias cytherea SonneratCommon ... Read more

Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz

Plant: Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz / / SPPI4 / is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Spondias pinnata (L. f.) ... Read more

Spondias tuberosa Arruda ex Koster

Plant: Spondias tuberosa Arruda ex Koster / imbu / SPTU5 / is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Spondias tuberosa Arruda ex Koster.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Spondias tuberosa ... Read more

Spondias purpurea L.

Plant: Spondias purpurea L. / purple mombin / SPPU / is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Spondias purpurea L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Spondias purpurea L.Common name: ... Read more

Toxicodendron desertorum Lunell

Plant: Toxicodendron desertorum Lunell / / TORY / TODE2 is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Toxicodendron desertorum Lunell.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Toxicodendron desertorum ... Read more

Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.

Plant: Toxicodendron pubescens Mill. / Atlantic poison oak / TOPU2 / is a plant in the family Anacardiaceae with a scientific name of Toxicodendron pubescens Mill..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Toxicodendron ... Read more