Arecaceae plant family online

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Thrinax morrisii H. Wendl.

Plant: Thrinax morrisii H. Wendl. / Key thatch palm / THMO4 / is a plant in the family Arecaceae with a scientific name of Thrinax morrisii H. Wendl..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Thrinax morrisii H. ... Read more

Thrinax microcarpa Sarg.

Plant: Thrinax microcarpa Sarg. / / THMO4 / THMI8 is a plant in the family Arecaceae with a scientific name of Thrinax microcarpa Sarg..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Thrinax microcarpa Sarg.Common name: ... Read more

Thrinax keyensis Sarg.

Plant: Thrinax keyensis Sarg. / / THMO4 / THKE is a plant in the family Arecaceae with a scientific name of Thrinax keyensis Sarg..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Thrinax keyensis Sarg.Common name: Plant ... Read more

Thrinax floridana Sarg.

Plant: Thrinax floridana Sarg. / / THRA2 / THFL5 is a plant in the family Arecaceae with a scientific name of Thrinax floridana Sarg..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Thrinax floridana Sarg.Common name: Plant ... Read more

Thrincoma alta O.F. Cook

Plant: Thrincoma alta O.F. Cook / / COBA3 / THAL4 is a plant in the family Arecaceae with a scientific name of Thrincoma alta O.F. Cook.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Thrincoma alta O.F. CookCommon name: ... Read more

Thrinax Sw.

Plant: Thrinax Sw. / thatch palm / THRIN / is a plant in the family Arecaceae with a scientific name of Thrinax Sw..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Thrinax Sw.Common name: thatch palmPlant family: ... Read more

Trachycarpus H. Wendl.

Plant: Trachycarpus H. Wendl. / Chinese windmill palm / TRACH7 / is a plant in the family Arecaceae with a scientific name of Trachycarpus H. Wendl..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Trachycarpus H. Wendl.Common ... Read more