Bromeliaceae plant family online

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Tillandsia lineatispica Mez

Plant: Tillandsia lineatispica Mez / pinon / TILI2 / is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia lineatispica Mez.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia lineatispica ... Read more

Tillandsia tenuifolia Mez, non L.

Plant: Tillandsia tenuifolia Mez, non L. / / TISE / TITE2 is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia tenuifolia Mez, non L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia tenuifolia ... Read more

Tillandsia tenuifolia L.

Plant: Tillandsia tenuifolia L. / narrowleaf airplant / TITE / is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia tenuifolia L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia tenuifolia ... Read more

Tillandsia sublaxa Baker

Plant: Tillandsia sublaxa Baker / / TIVA2 / TISU2 is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia sublaxa Baker.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia sublaxa BakerCommon name: ... Read more

Tillandsia simulata Small

Plant: Tillandsia simulata Small / Manatee River airplant / TISI / is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia simulata Small.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia simulata ... Read more

Tillandsia setacea Sw.

Plant: Tillandsia setacea Sw. / southern needleleaf / TISE / is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia setacea Sw..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia setacea Sw.Common ... Read more

Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L.

Plant: Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. / small ballmoss / TIRE / is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia recurvata ... Read more

Tillandsia pulchella Hook.

Plant: Tillandsia pulchella Hook. / / TITE / TIPU2 is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia pulchella Hook..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia pulchella Hook.Common ... Read more

Tillandsia pruinosa Sw.

Plant: Tillandsia pruinosa Sw. / fuzzywuzzy airplant / TIPR / is a plant in the family Bromeliaceae with a scientific name of Tillandsia pruinosa Sw..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tillandsia pruinosa ... Read more