Lentibulariaceae plant family online

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Utricularia pusilla Vahl

Plant: Utricularia pusilla Vahl / tiny bladderwort / UTPU2 / Information:Scientific name: Utricularia pusilla VahlCommon name: tiny bladderwortPlant family: LentibulariaceaeSymbol name: UTPU2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Utricularia purpurea Walter

Plant: Utricularia purpurea Walter / eastern purple bladderwort / UTPU / Information:Scientific name: Utricularia purpurea WalterCommon name: eastern purple bladderwortPlant family: LentibulariaceaeSymbol name: ... Read more

Utricularia pumila Walter

Plant: Utricularia pumila Walter / / UTGI / UTPU3Information:Scientific name: Utricularia pumila WalterCommon name: Plant family: LentibulariaceaeSymbol name: UTGISynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Utricularia radiata Small

Plant: Utricularia radiata Small / little floating bladderwort / UTRA / Information:Scientific name: Utricularia radiata SmallCommon name: little floating bladderwortPlant family: LentibulariaceaeSymbol name: ... Read more

Utricularia racemosa Wall.

Plant: Utricularia racemosa Wall. / bladderwort / UTRA2 / Information:Scientific name: Utricularia racemosa Wall.Common name: bladderwortPlant family: LentibulariaceaeSymbol name: UTRA2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Utricularia uliginosa Vahl

Plant: Utricularia uliginosa Vahl / bladderwort / UTUL / Information:Scientific name: Utricularia uliginosa VahlCommon name: bladderwortPlant family: LentibulariaceaeSymbol name: UTULSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Utricularia subulata L.

Plant: Utricularia subulata L. / zigzag bladderwort / UTSU / Information:Scientific name: Utricularia subulata L.Common name: zigzag bladderwortPlant family: LentibulariaceaeSymbol name: UTSUSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Utricularia stygia Thor

Plant: Utricularia stygia Thor / arctic bladderwort / UTST2 / Information:Scientific name: Utricularia stygia ThorCommon name: arctic bladderwortPlant family: LentibulariaceaeSymbol name: UTST2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more