Liliaceae plant family online

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Zephyranthes rosea Lindl.

Plant: Zephyranthes rosea Lindl. / Cuban zephyrlily / ZERO / Information:Scientific name: Zephyranthes rosea Lindl.Common name: Cuban zephyrlilyPlant family: LiliaceaeSymbol name: ZEROSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Zigadenus elegans Pursh

Plant: Zigadenus elegans Pursh / mountain deathcamas / ZIEL2 / Information:Scientific name: Zigadenus elegans PurshCommon name: mountain deathcamasPlant family: LiliaceaeSymbol name: ZIEL2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Zigadenus densus (Desr.) Fernald

Plant: Zigadenus densus (Desr.) Fernald / Osceola's plume / ZIDE / Information:Scientific name: Zigadenus densus (Desr.) FernaldCommon name: Osceola's plumePlant family: LiliaceaeSymbol name: ZIDESynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Zigadenus fontanus Eastw.

Plant: Zigadenus fontanus Eastw. / / ZIMIF2 / ZIFOInformation:Scientific name: Zigadenus fontanus Eastw.Common name: Plant family: LiliaceaeSymbol name: ZIMIF2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Zigadenus exaltatus Eastw.

Plant: Zigadenus exaltatus Eastw. / giant deathcamas / ZIEX / Information:Scientific name: Zigadenus exaltatus Eastw.Common name: giant deathcamasPlant family: LiliaceaeSymbol name: ZIEXSynonym symbol name: ... Read more