Rosaceae plant family online

Plants in the Rosaceae family. Rosaceae plant family online and more online! Native plants, seed and flowers, wildflowers database and information. Native American plants Knowledge and facts online. Standardized facts and information about plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the USA. Rosaceae plant family Technical information used to identify plant families. Accepted scientific names and synonyms of selected plant families. Search for all the scientific names of a particular plant

Sieversia ×macrantha Kearney

Plant: Sieversia ×macrantha Kearney / / GEMA5 / SIMA12 is a plant in the family Rosaceae with a scientific name of Sieversia ×macrantha Kearney.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sieversia ×macrantha ... Read more

Sieversia triflora (Pursh) R. Br.

Plant: Sieversia triflora (Pursh) R. Br. / / GETRT / SITR5 is a plant in the family Rosaceae with a scientific name of Sieversia triflora (Pursh) R. Br..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sieversia triflora ... Read more

Sieversia radiata (Michx.) Greene

Plant: Sieversia radiata (Michx.) Greene / / GERA2 / SIRA4 is a plant in the family Rosaceae with a scientific name of Sieversia radiata (Michx.) Greene.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sieversia radiata ... Read more

Sorbus americana Marsh.

Plant: Sorbus americana Marsh. / American mountain ash / SOAM3 / is a plant in the family Rosaceae with a scientific name of Sorbus americana Marsh..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sorbus americana ... Read more

Sorbus alpina (Willd.) Heynh.

Plant: Sorbus alpina (Willd.) Heynh. / / SOAL12 / SOAL13 is a plant in the family Rosaceae with a scientific name of Sorbus alpina (Willd.) Heynh..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sorbus alpina (Willd.) ... Read more

Sorbus airia (L.) Crantz

Plant: Sorbus airia (L.) Crantz / winterbeam / SOAI / is a plant in the family Rosaceae with a scientific name of Sorbus airia (L.) Crantz.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sorbus airia (L.) CrantzCommon name: ... Read more

Sorbaria tomentosa (Lindl.) Rehder

Plant: Sorbaria tomentosa (Lindl.) Rehder / / SOTO7 / is a plant in the family Rosaceae with a scientific name of Sorbaria tomentosa (Lindl.) Rehder.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Sorbaria tomentosa (Lindl.) ... Read more