Rubiaceae plant family online

Plants in the Rubiaceae family. Rubiaceae plant family online and more online! Native plants, seed and flowers, wildflowers database and information. Native American plants Knowledge and facts online. Standardized facts and information about plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the USA. Rubiaceae plant family Technical information used to identify plant families. Accepted scientific names and synonyms of selected plant families. Search for all the scientific names of a particular plant

Tarenna Gaertn.

Plant: Tarenna Gaertn. / / TAREN / is a plant in the family Rubiaceae with a scientific name of Tarenna Gaertn..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tarenna Gaertn.Common name: Plant family: RubiaceaeSymbol name: ... Read more

Terebraria resinosa (Vahl) Sprague

Plant: Terebraria resinosa (Vahl) Sprague / / NERE2 / TERE4 is a plant in the family Rubiaceae with a scientific name of Terebraria resinosa (Vahl) Sprague.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Terebraria resinosa ... Read more

Timonius ledermannii Valeton

Plant: Timonius ledermannii Valeton / / TILE4 / is a plant in the family Rubiaceae with a scientific name of Timonius ledermannii Valeton.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Timonius ledermannii ValetonCommon ... Read more

Timonius DC.

Plant: Timonius DC. / / TIMON / is a plant in the family Rubiaceae with a scientific name of Timonius DC..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Timonius DC.Common name: Plant family: RubiaceaeSymbol name: ... Read more

Tontanea herbacea (Aubl.) Standl.

Plant: Tontanea herbacea (Aubl.) Standl. / / COHE6 / TOHE2 is a plant in the family Rubiaceae with a scientific name of Tontanea herbacea (Aubl.) Standl..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tontanea herbacea ... Read more

Uncaria Schreb.

Plant: Uncaria Schreb. / uncaria / UNCAR / Information:Scientific name: Uncaria Schreb.Common name: uncariaPlant family: RubiaceaeSymbol name: UNCARSynonym symbol name: ... Read more