Sapindaceae plant family online

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Tristiropsis obtusangula Radlk.

Plant: Tristiropsis obtusangula Radlk. / / TROB7 / is a plant in the family Sapindaceae with a scientific name of Tristiropsis obtusangula Radlk..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tristiropsis obtusangula ... Read more

Ungnadia Endl.

Plant: Ungnadia Endl. / ungnadia / UNGNA / Information:Scientific name: Ungnadia Endl.Common name: ungnadiaPlant family: SapindaceaeSymbol name: UNGNASynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Ungnadia speciosa Endl.

Plant: Ungnadia speciosa Endl. / Mexican buckeye / UNSP / Information:Scientific name: Ungnadia speciosa Endl.Common name: Mexican buckeyePlant family: SapindaceaeSymbol name: UNSPSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Urvillea ulmacea Kunth

Plant: Urvillea ulmacea Kunth / apaac / URUL / Information:Scientific name: Urvillea ulmacea KunthCommon name: apaacPlant family: SapindaceaeSymbol name: URULSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Urvillea Kunth

Plant: Urvillea Kunth / urvillea / URVIL / Information:Scientific name: Urvillea KunthCommon name: urvilleaPlant family: SapindaceaeSymbol name: URVILSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge

Plant: Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge / yellow-horn / XASO3 / Information:Scientific name: Xanthoceras sorbifolia BungeCommon name: yellow-hornPlant family: SapindaceaeSymbol name: XASO3Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Xanthoceras Bunge

Plant: Xanthoceras Bunge / xanthoceras / XANTH10 / Information:Scientific name: Xanthoceras BungeCommon name: xanthocerasPlant family: SapindaceaeSymbol name: XANTH10Synonym symbol name: ... Read more