Scrophulariaceae plant family online

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Veronica fruticans Jacq.

Plant: Veronica fruticans Jacq. / woodystem speedwell / VEFR80 / Information:Scientific name: Veronica fruticans Jacq.Common name: woodystem speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEFR80Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica filiformis Sm.

Plant: Veronica filiformis Sm. / threadstalk speedwell / VEFI / Information:Scientific name: Veronica filiformis Sm.Common name: threadstalk speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEFISynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica dillenii Crantz

Plant: Veronica dillenii Crantz / Dillenius' speedwell / VEDI2 / Information:Scientific name: Veronica dillenii CrantzCommon name: Dillenius' speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEDI2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica didyma Ten. p.p.

Plant: Veronica didyma Ten. p.p. / / VEPO / VEDI5Information:Scientific name: Veronica didyma Ten. p.p.Common name: Plant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEPOSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica cymbalaria Bodard

Plant: Veronica cymbalaria Bodard / glandular speedwell / VECY80 / Information:Scientific name: Veronica cymbalaria BodardCommon name: glandular speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VECY80Synonym symbol ... Read more

Veronica cusickii A. Gray

Plant: Veronica cusickii A. Gray / Cusick's speedwell / VECU / Information:Scientific name: Veronica cusickii A. GrayCommon name: Cusick's speedwellPlant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VECUSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Veronica crinita Kit.

Plant: Veronica crinita Kit. / / VEAUT / VECR3Information:Scientific name: Veronica crinita Kit.Common name: Plant family: ScrophulariaceaeSymbol name: VEAUTSynonym symbol name: ... Read more