Verbenaceae plant family online

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Verbena runyonii Moldenke

Plant: Verbena runyonii Moldenke / Rio Grande vervain / VERU / Information:Scientific name: Verbena runyonii MoldenkeCommon name: Rio Grande vervainPlant family: VerbenaceaeSymbol name: VERUSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verbena robusta Greene

Plant: Verbena robusta Greene / / VELA / VEROInformation:Scientific name: Verbena robusta GreeneCommon name: Plant family: VerbenaceaeSymbol name: VELASynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verbena supina L.

Plant: Verbena supina L. / supine vervain / VESU7 / Information:Scientific name: Verbena supina L.Common name: supine vervainPlant family: VerbenaceaeSymbol name: VESU7Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verbena stricta Vent.

Plant: Verbena stricta Vent. / hoary verbena / VEST / Information:Scientific name: Verbena stricta Vent.Common name: hoary verbenaPlant family: VerbenaceaeSymbol name: VESTSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verbena urticifolia L.

Plant: Verbena urticifolia L. / white vervain / VEUR / Information:Scientific name: Verbena urticifolia L.Common name: white vervainPlant family: VerbenaceaeSymbol name: VEURSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verbena tenuisecta Briq.

Plant: Verbena tenuisecta Briq. / / GLPU3 / VETE2Information:Scientific name: Verbena tenuisecta Briq.Common name: Plant family: VerbenaceaeSymbol name: GLPU3Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verbena tenera Spreng.

Plant: Verbena tenera Spreng. / / GLTE3 / VETEInformation:Scientific name: Verbena tenera Spreng.Common name: Plant family: VerbenaceaeSymbol name: GLTE3Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verbena tampensis Nash

Plant: Verbena tampensis Nash / / GLTA / VETAInformation:Scientific name: Verbena tampensis NashCommon name: Plant family: VerbenaceaeSymbol name: GLTASynonym symbol name: ... Read more