Verrucariaceae plant family online

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Thelidium parvulum Arnold

Plant: Thelidium parvulum Arnold / thelidium lichen / THPA9 / is a plant in the family Verrucariaceae with a scientific name of Thelidium parvulum Arnold.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Thelidium parvulum ... Read more

Tichothecium pygmaeum Körb.

Plant: Tichothecium pygmaeum Körb. / / MUPY / TIPY is a plant in the family Verrucariaceae with a scientific name of Tichothecium pygmaeum Körb..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: Tichothecium pygmaeum ... Read more

Trimmatothele Norman ex Zahlbr.

Plant: Trimmatothele Norman ex Zahlbr. / trimmatothele lichen / TRIMM / is a plant in the family Verrucariaceae with a scientific name of Trimmatothele Norman ex Zahlbr..Information:Scientific name / Full Name: ... Read more

Trimmatothele umbellulariae Herre

Plant: Trimmatothele umbellulariae Herre / trimmatothele lichen / TRUM / is a plant in the family Verrucariaceae with a scientific name of Trimmatothele umbellulariae Herre.Information:Scientific name / Full Name: ... Read more

Verrucaria amphibia Clemente

Plant: Verrucaria amphibia Clemente / wart lichen / VEAM3 / Information:Scientific name: Verrucaria amphibia ClementeCommon name: wart lichenPlant family: VerrucariaceaeSymbol name: VEAM3Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verrucaria aethiobola Wahlenb.

Plant: Verrucaria aethiobola Wahlenb. / wart lichen / VEAE / Information:Scientific name: Verrucaria aethiobola Wahlenb.Common name: wart lichenPlant family: VerrucariaceaeSymbol name: VEAESynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verrucaria acrotella Ach.

Plant: Verrucaria acrotella Ach. / wart lichen / VEAC2 / Information:Scientific name: Verrucaria acrotella Ach.Common name: wart lichenPlant family: VerrucariaceaeSymbol name: VEAC2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verrucaria dacryodes Nyl.

Plant: Verrucaria dacryodes Nyl. / wart lichen / VEDA / Information:Scientific name: Verrucaria dacryodes Nyl.Common name: wart lichenPlant family: VerrucariaceaeSymbol name: VEDASynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Verrucaria ceuthocarpa Wahlenb.

Plant: Verrucaria ceuthocarpa Wahlenb. / wart lichen / VECE / Information:Scientific name: Verrucaria ceuthocarpa Wahlenb.Common name: wart lichenPlant family: VerrucariaceaeSymbol name: VECESynonym symbol name: ... Read more