Violaceae plant family online

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Viola bicolor Pursh

Plant: Viola bicolor Pursh / field pansy / VIBI / Information:Scientific name: Viola bicolor PurshCommon name: field pansyPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIBISynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Viola biflora L. ssp. biflora

Plant: Viola biflora L. ssp. biflora / arctic yellow violet / VIBIB2 / Information:Scientific name: Viola biflora L. ssp. bifloraCommon name: arctic yellow violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIBIB2Synonym symbol ... Read more

Viola biternata Greene

Plant: Viola biternata Greene / / VISH / VIBI7Information:Scientific name: Viola biternata GreeneCommon name: Plant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VISHSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Viola blanda Willd.

Plant: Viola blanda Willd. / sweet white violet / VIBL / Information:Scientific name: Viola blanda Willd.Common name: sweet white violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIBLSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Viola blanda Willd. var. blanda

Plant: Viola blanda Willd. var. blanda / sweet white violet / VIBLB / Information:Scientific name: Viola blanda Willd. var. blandaCommon name: sweet white violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIBLBSynonym symbol ... Read more

Viola brittoniana Pollard

Plant: Viola brittoniana Pollard / northern coastal violet / VIBR / Information:Scientific name: Viola brittoniana PollardCommon name: northern coastal violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIBRSynonym symbol name: ... Read more