Violaceae plant family online

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Viola glabella Nutt.

Plant: Viola glabella Nutt. / pioneer violet / VIGL / Information:Scientific name: Viola glabella Nutt.Common name: pioneer violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIGLSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Viola frank-smithii N.H. Holmgren

Plant: Viola frank-smithii N.H. Holmgren / Frank-Smith's violet / VIFR2 / Information:Scientific name: Viola frank-smithii N.H. HolmgrenCommon name: Frank-Smith's violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIFR2Synonym ... Read more

Viola flettii Piper

Plant: Viola flettii Piper / Olympic violet / VIFL / Information:Scientific name: Viola flettii PiperCommon name: Olympic violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIFLSynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Viola hallii A. Gray

Plant: Viola hallii A. Gray / Oregon violet / VIHA / Information:Scientific name: Viola hallii A. GrayCommon name: Oregon violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIHASynonym symbol name: ... Read more

Viola helenae Forbes & Lydgate

Plant: Viola helenae Forbes & Lydgate / Wahiawa stream violet / VIHE2 / Information:Scientific name: Viola helenae Forbes & LydgateCommon name: Wahiawa stream violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIHE2Synonym ... Read more

Viola hastata Michx.

Plant: Viola hastata Michx. / halberdleaf yellow violet / VIHA2 / Information:Scientific name: Viola hastata Michx.Common name: halberdleaf yellow violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIHA2Synonym symbol name: ... Read more

Viola hirsutula Brainerd

Plant: Viola hirsutula Brainerd / southern woodland violet / VIHI2 / Information:Scientific name: Viola hirsutula BrainerdCommon name: southern woodland violetPlant family: ViolaceaeSymbol name: VIHI2Synonym symbol ... Read more